Friday, November 14, 2014

granola troll hole

Last week the pressure of the semester really started to weigh on me and then before I realized it the week was over and it was time for a Friday fun day. Field trip with the other interns to Dreamy Draw park for a little lesson on navigation, latitude, longitude, and coordinates. There was a very interesting talk on ephemeral drainage, and the conspiracy theory that alien crash sites have been covered up in those hills. I went to hide a geocache for the first time and think we found a great spot.

The project is going slow and steady but at least it is going. I am still trying to isolate and identify the microbes I keep inoculating from the grass. I am at the same time adjusting my sterilization technique and trying to get a smaller number of microbes per slide. Unfortunately the dichotomous key Josh and I found for MEA is not for the type of fungus I am trying to isolate. MEA is still a good media to use for the fungus I am isolating I just need to find another dichotomous key. 

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